An Anonymous reader posted this recently and it was so heartwarming, I wanted to repost it:
"My son's 5th grade teacher just received $1,400 as a Christmas gift from the 17 families whose children she has been teaching in a Waldorf School since 2nd grade. Quite a present considering we are not a wealthy school! The teacher makes less than 30K after over 30 years of teaching and most of the parents scrimp and save to afford tuition in order to avoid the teach-to-the-test, worksheet burdened, highly stressed public school system. The money was collected in less than 5 days by one simple email sent to each parent: "Contribute what you can. Our teacher needs money, not soaps or candles or chocolate." Some parents were only able to give a few dollars, others a few hundred. But in the end what motivates us is the love and dedication our teacher has to our children. Having the same teacher for many years means you develop a REAL relationship: love and hate, joy and anger, agreements and a family, you stick together and work it out. By the way, the teacher made beautiful clay ornaments for all the parents, and gave a jar of organic sea salt to a few who carry the volunteer load for the rest. True thankfulness all around."
What charities or organizations do you contribute to annually? Here are some of my current favorites:
The Danville Library Foundation
The Alliance for Childhood
KFOG Live from the Archives - local food charity
The Bounty Garden
Habitat for Humanity
The Smile Train
Children's Cancer Research Fund
Challenge Success
What are your favorite charitable organizations?
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